3 simple strength exercises for runners

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is from Jeff McCloud, coach of the Elizabethtown Area Middle School cross country team. He coached participants in the Frozen Foot 5K Race Series’ first ever Couch to 5K program this year.) Not everyone has access to a gym or can afford a membership to a gym. Or, if you’re like […]
Our recommendations for running in the snow

If you ran on Sunday during the first 2016 Frozen Foot Races, you got a taste of winter weather with snow flurries during the race. That’s a far cry from the predictions for this weekend, though. The winter’s first snow storm is bearing down on us, with predictions of 6 inches to as much as […]
Results from the first race are posted…but on the 2015 results page!!
Frozen Foot Race 1 results are posted. They can be found on the 2015 page…..Our participants are the best…Thank you for coming out today!
6 reasons to run during the winter

New Year’s Day has come and gone, and now is the time to make good on your New Year’s resolutions, right? If you’ve resolved to get more exercise in 2016, run more miles or simply start running, we will be among the first to tell you that the recent cold weather can be intimidating. Yes, […]