4 reasons why we recommend running on sidewalks

As runners, we are vulnerable people as we head out to log some miles. We sweat and have to worry about hydrating properly and replacing electrolytes. As much as we love running in warm weather, we have to worry about the sun and sunburn. In the winter, we need to dress appropriately so we’re not […]
Registration open for 2016 Frozen Foot Race series

Registration is now open for the 2016 Frozen Foot Race series, Applied Race Management Solutions’ premier racing event. This next edition will be held on Jan,. 17, Feb. 21 and March 20, starting and finishing on the campus of Elizabethtown College. Don’t delay: The first 175 people to register get a free running hat. […]
How to be safe running in the dark

As the days grow shorter, finding time to run in the daylight becomes more challenging. For those of us who are training for goal races, getting in a particular training session can be important from a physical and mental perspective. Others of us who are running to stay fit just need to get out for […]
5 things to love about running in the fall

For us runners in South Central Pennsylvania, we are relishing the autumn weather that has finally arrived. Summer was clinging on with hot, humid weather, making training and racing difficult. In fact, the first cross country meet of the season on Sept. 8 had runners racing in muggy 92 degrees. At the meet featuring Elizabethtown, […]
E-town boys varsity captures title at PTXC 7 invitational

The seventh annual PTXC Invitational at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania brought out the top high school cross country runners from Central and Eastern Pennsylvania and beyond Saturday, Sept. 12. With weather that finally cooled after some extreme heat early in the week, runners were able to clock some fast times on The Farm course. In […]