Why running slow matters

We’re all runners here, so we understand your desire to run fast. All of us want to improve our times and want to get faster each time we race, whether it’s a 5K or a full marathon. If you’re a middle-of-the-pack runner, you likely are in awe of those who finish races in the top […]
Summer running and how to beat humidity

Here in Central Pennsylvania, the past week has seen temperatures hit the 90s, with humidity to match. For us runners, it makes getting outside for a quality workout a challenge because the high temperatures stress our bodies and can make running more difficult. Why is that? As we run, our internal temperature warms up. That’s […]
Three of our favorite podcasts about running

When it comes to running, we are always looking to learn something new about the sport and hear stories about running, whether they are from elite runners at the top of the sport or regular runners whose goal is to break 30 minutes in a 5K. That’s why we regularly visit websites to get […]
How the Blood, Sweat and Tears 5-miler was founded

We had the privilege of timing the Blood, Sweat and Tears 5-miler in Lawn, Lebanon County, last November, and registration opened this month for the 2016 version of this great, unique race that combines miles on local roads and the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail. In the past four years, it has raised $18,000 for […]
Running while on vacation

As a runner, you’re probably a lot like us as the Memorial Day holiday approaches and you’re making plans to get away for vacation: You’re wondering how you’ll maintain your training during a week at the beach or some other location. It’s true that we runners can be obsessive and insistent that we get in […]