5 things to expect in your first big race

Now that September has arrived, the fall racing season is getting into full swing. Last Saturday, nearly 900 people finished the Harrisburg Half Marathon, which C. Fred Joslyn won for the second year in a row with a time of 1:10:24. That’s a blazing fast time, and it can seem intimidating for those of us […]
How to get the newest runners into running

One of the best things about the sport of running is that everyone can do it, from the very oldest to the very youngest. We runners have all been inspired by the octogenarians, and those even older, who have set world records for various events at Senior Games and other races. Just as inspiring, for […]
What it’s like to have an injury

Jeff McCloud is a local runner and coach of the Elizabethtown Middle School Cross County team. He blogs for Applied Race Management and periodically writes from a first-person perspective. Some time ago, I wrote a post here with 4 tips on injury prevention for us runners. I wish I had taken my own advice. Last […]
What do you eat before you run?

As all of us runners know, we need food not just to sustain us and give us energy to make it to the next meal. We need to eat to fuel our workouts. And all you need to do is spend a few moments on Google, and you can find a variety of advice about […]
Why you need to run faster

Last week, we wrote about importance of running slow, or at least slower, than you think you should. This week, we’re turning the tables to talk about why you need to run faster. Of course, the phrase “need to run faster” is relative. A more apt phrase is probably “want to run faster.” We are […]